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Everyday Use of Essential Oils

Writer's picture: dale747dale747

Ever wondered what you might use essential oils for? Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to fragrance houses, buildings and for improving health and wellbeing.

Here are just a few suggestions to get you on your way.

essential oils, pure essential oils, essential oil uk
Selection of Essential Oils and Herbs in Bottles


Freshen your footwear by dropping a few drops of Geranium oil directly into your shoes or place a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil and leave in the shoes overnight.

Add 1 drop Geranium oil to your facial moisturiser to bring out a radiant glow in your skin.

Place 1 or 2 drops of Rosemary oil on your hairbrush before brushing to promote healthy hair.

First Aid

Ease headache pain by rubbing one drop of neat Lavender oil onto your temples.

Apply Lavender oil and Tea tree oil directly to cuts, scrapes, or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing. (These are the only oils, which should ever be used neat on the skin). KEEP AWAY FROM EYES.

When viral illnesses are going around add a few drops of Thyme oil and Lemon oil to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the hob.

5 drops of Eucalyptus oil in the bath cools the body in summer and protects it in winter, dilute first in a tablespoon of milk, vegetable oil or mild foam bath.

Mental Health

Rosemary oil is believed to promote alertness and stimulate memory. Use the fragrance during long car trips and while reading, studying and during exams. Another great oil for this is Basil oil.

Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Roman Chamomile oil, Lavender oil or Marjoram oil on your pillow before retiring to promote restful sleep.

A blend of Lavender oil and Grapefruit oil is good for the workplace. Lavender oil is calming and Grapefruit stimulates the senses and clears up stale air. Lemon oil can also be used for its refreshing qualities.

Essential oil spa products
Essential Oils, Bath Salts and Natural Soap

Home Fragrancing

To dispel cooking odours, add a few drops of Clove oil to a simmering pan of water.

To fragrance your kitchen cupboards and drawers, place a cotton ball with a few drops of oil in an inconspicuous corner.

Revive Pot Pourri by adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Use citrus oils (like orange oil, bergamot oil or lemon oil) to help uplift the spirits. Choose oils such as lavender oil, sandalwood oil or frankincense oil to help calm the mind.

Essential oils of Cypress oil, Pine oil, Cedarwood oil and Frankincense oil all make wonderful firewood oils. Drop approximately 2-3 drops of oil or blend of your choice on a dried log and allow time for the oil to soak well in before putting the log on the fire.

A few drops in a radiator fragrancer, oil burner or lamp ring will fill the room with a wonderful fragrance and ambience. Choose oils depending on the mood required.

Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle, shake well, and use as an air freshener. Do not spray on or near polished surfaces. These can also be used as pillow sprays, perhaps using some lavender oil, chamomile oil or frankincense oil to aid a good nights sleep.

Transform the aroma of a candle by adding a few drops of oil onto the candle BEFORE you light it.


To deter ants - use drops of Peppermint oil along the bottom of the doorframe where you see them.

When washing out the fridge, freezer, or oven, add 1 drop of any citrus essential oil to the final rinse water.

Place a few drops of your favourite essential oil onto a small piece of cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying.



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