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Sandalwood essential oil (Fusanus Spicatus Wood Oil) has soothing, cooling and moisturising properties and is primarily used for dry skin conditions caused by a loss of moisture. It can also be used for the treatment of oily skin.


Sandalwood essential oil is a pale pale-yellow to yellow, viscous liquid with a soft, woody and extremely tenacious odour. Australian sandalwood can be used in subtle Aromatherapy in the same way as santalum album.


Sandalwood (Fusanus Spicatus Wood Oil) essential oil originates from Australia and is steam distilled from the coarsely powdered heart wood and the major roots of the Fusanus Spicatus.


Sandalwood essential oil is a member of the Santalaceae family and blends well with rose, lavender, black pepper, bergamot, geranium, vetivert, patchouli and jasmine. *Diluted 5% in jojoba carrier oil*


Important: Our dilutions are diluted in jojoba oil which is less mobile than the pure aromatic oil. This can result in the oil taking longer to dispense through a dropper insert. In some cases a pipette may be needed to decant the product. Please bear this in mind when working with ths type of product.

Sandalwood Essential Oil - Diluted 5% in Jojoba

मूल्य£5.50 से
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