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Body: Fragonia essential oil has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Noted as a fabulous essential oil to help with pain and inflammation relief, fragonia essential oil is so beneficial when working to manage muscle and joint pain. Fragonia essential oil boosts the immune system and is helpful in minimizing the impact of jet lag on the body.


Along with helping to support healthy lung function, fragonia essential oil is a powerful choice when looking to reduce the presence of unwanted bacterial, fungal, or viral activity.


Blends well with: Fragonia essential oil blends well with Niaouli, Eucalyptus, Myrtle and Rosemary


Species: Agonis Fragrans Branch / Leaf Oil

Plant Family: Myrtaceae

Origin: Australia

Aroma: Fresh, cineolic odour with a spicy, sweet-balsamic undertone

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Extraction Method: Fragonia essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the branches, twigs and leaves.


Safety: Do not consume. For external use only. Keep away from children and eyes.


Our Commitment to Quality: Buy Fragonia essential oil online UK from an essential oil company with more than 20 experience sourcing high quality essential oils. Our essential oils are sourced from specialist essential oil producers from across the world. Our essential oils are selected based on regional excellence and reputation as well as ethical considerations, sustainability and of course, price.


Each essential oil is subject to strict quality control processes starting at the point of origin and continuing through the supply chain to the customer. Essential oil quality testing includes complex gas chromatography (GC) analysis to Organothalmic analysis of essential oils to produce batch specific certificates of analysis (CoA). Spot checks on essential oil producer internal processes are used, as well as periodic validation of essential oil authenticity using at external testing facility based in the United States.


Buy Fragonia essential oil with confidence from Oils4life. We know the importance of buying quality essential oils and we are committed to delivering on our promise.


Fragonia Oil - Agonis Fragrans Branch/Leaf Oil

PriceFrom £6,00
Excluding Tax |
  • Colour: Colourless to pale yellow liquid

    Relative Density: Approx 0.900 @ 20°C

    Refractive Index: Approx 1.475 @ 20°C

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